Lawn Maintenance Tips for Summer

First impressions count in the cutthroat business of real estate. A property’s exterior, mainly the lawn, is crucial in luring purchasers and fostering a good impression. Well-kept landscaping is quite valuable and may increase the value of a home significantly.  

Regular Mowing and Edging

One of the fundamental aspects of lawn maintenance is regular mowing and edging. During the summer, grass tends to proliferate due to warmer temperatures and increased rainfall. Mow the lawn consistently, ensuring the grass remains at an appropriate height.

Follow the one-third rule when mowing: never remove more than one-third of the grass blade’s height in a single mowing session. Cutting too short can stress the plants and leave them vulnerable to weeds and diseases. Additionally, regular edging along sidewalks, driveways, and flower beds provide a clean and defined look, enhancing the overall appearance of the lawn.

Adequate Watering and Irrigation

Proper watering promotes a healthy and vibrant lawn during the hot summer. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage profound root growth and drought tolerance. Aim for approximately one inch of water per week, including rainfall. However, be mindful of any water restrictions or guidelines in your area.

To ensure adequate water distribution, consider utilizing an irrigation system or sprinklers. Set them to operate early in the morning to minimize evaporation and allow grass to dry, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Avoid watering during the hottest time of the day, as this can lead to water loss through evaporation.

Fertilization and Weed Control

Fertilizing the lawn is crucial for providing essential nutrients that promote healthy growth and vibrant color. In summer, choose a slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer to prevent excessive growth spurts and minimize the risk of nutrient runoff. Follow the recommended application rates and timings specific to your region and grass type.

Alongside fertilization, effective weed control is imperative to maintain a pristine lawn. Weeds can compete with grass for nutrients and water. Consider applying pre-emergent herbicides early in the season to prevent weed seeds from germinating. Use selective herbicides that target specific weed types for existing weeds while minimizing damage to the surrounding grass.

Pest and Disease Management

During summer, lawns can be susceptible to various pests and diseases impacting their health and appearance. Regular monitoring is vital to early detection and prevention. Look for signs of pests such as grubs, chinch bugs, or armyworms. If infestations occur, consider appropriate insecticides or enlist the help of professional pest control services.

Similarly, be vigilant for signs of lawn diseases, including brown patches, rust, or fungal infections. Proper lawn care practices such as adequate watering, proper mowing techniques, and good air circulation can help prevent disease outbreaks. Consult with lawn care experts or local extension services for accurate diagnosis and treatment options if necessary.

Aesthetics and Landscaping Enhancements

Beyond the basic lawn maintenance practices, consider incorporating additional landscaping enhancements to elevate the curb appeal. This can include planting colorful flower beds, adding strategic lighting to highlight key features, or installing decorative hardscape elements such as walkways or focal points. These enhancements can create an inviting atmosphere and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.