What to Know About Replacing Your Bathtub

The bathtub, often the centerpiece of any bathroom, offers a place of relaxation, rejuvenation, and functionality. But like all home features, bathtubs don’t last forever. Whether you’re thinking of upgrading for aesthetics or because your old tub has seen better days, replacing a bathtub is a decision that requires planning and consideration.  

Factors Leading to Bathtub Replacement

Age and Wear: Bathtubs show signs of wear and tear over time. Signs include discoloration, cracks, leaks, and inefficient drainage. If ignored, these can lead to more significant problems.

Style Update: Home decor trends evolve, and what was in vogue a decade ago might now seem outdated. A modern tub can transform the entire look and feel of a bathroom.

Functionality and Size: Your needs might have changed. Perhaps you now require an enormous tub, or maybe you’re considering a walk-in bathtub for easier accessibility.

Choosing the Right Bathtub

When selecting a new tub, it’s not just about the style; it’s about finding the right fit for your bathroom and needs.

Material Matters: Bathtubs come in various materials, each with pros and cons.

Acrylic: Lightweight, durable, and retains heat well, but can be more expensive.

Porcelain-Enameled Steel: Resilient and affordable but can chip.

Cast Iron: Extremely durable and retains heat excellently but is heavy and typically pricier.

Fiberglass: Economical and lightweight but doesn’t retain heat as well and can scratch.

Size and Shape: Ensure the chosen bathtub fits the allocated space in your bathroom. Measure the area accurately and consider the tub’s depth and length. Remember, an enormous tub will need more water, potentially increasing your water bill.

Features: Modern bathtubs come with various features ranging from basic to luxury. These can include jets for a spa-like experience, built-in seats, or even mood-enhancing lighting. Determine what features are essential for you and if they fit within your budget.

Installation Considerations

Replacing a bathtub isn’t just about buying a new tub; it’s also about ensuring proper installation.

DIY vs. Professional Installation: While the DIY route might seem more affordable, bathtub installation can be complex, requiring knowledge of plumbing and often electrical systems. Incorrect installation can lead to leaks, which can cause significant damage over time. Hiring a professional might be pricier upfront, but it guarantees peace of mind.

Cost Implications: Replacing a bathtub isn’t just the price of the new tub. Consider costs associated with removing and disposing of the old tub, potential bathroom floor repairs, plumbing adjustments, and labor costs for professional installation.

Timeline: Understand that replacing a bathtub, especially in older homes, might reveal other issues such as mold, outdated plumbing, or floor damage. This could extend the installation timeline. It’s crucial to be prepared for potential delays and added costs.

Post-Installation: After installing your bathtub, it’s essential to know how to maintain it. Depending on the material of your tub, specific cleaning agents and methods might be recommended. Avoid abrasive cleaners that can scratch certain surfaces, and follow manufacturer guidelines to ensure longevity.