How to Study an Apartment in One Visit

Finding the perfect place to call home takes quite a bit of legwork. Often, you’ll have to move from one apartment to another until you identify an apartment that suits your needs. But when searching for an apartment, you’ll need to move fast. Otherwise, you’ll spend too much time viewing a couple of apartments and miss out on other great deals. Bearing that in mind, here are some factors that can help you evaluate a property quickly in one visit.


While it may seem like a no-brainer, one of the first things you’ll want to evaluate is the apartment’s size. Carry a tape measure and take measurements of the rooms to ascertain your existing furniture will fit. Also, take measurements of the property’s entrances and hallways to help you plan if you decide to relocate.

Room Layout

Early planning is essential to a successful apartment search. Try to obtain the floorplans of the apartments you intend to view before you visit them. Examining floorplans before visits can help you eliminate properties with odd layouts and save you time.


Thin walls may mean you’ll experience trouble with noise pollution. Noise pollution is undoubtedly something you don’t want to contend with once you move into a new apartment. Test the apartment’s soundproofing by having the realtor or the person who’s accompanied you stand in one room while you stand in the opposite room, and try to have a conversation. If you can hear each other well, the apartment probably has poor soundproofing.

Storage Space

Check out whether there’s sufficient storage space for your needs and the people you live with. If the storage space is insufficient, evaluate whether the property’s square footage is adequate for modifications.


Apartments with large windows generally let in plenty of light, and they can feel bright and cheery. Conversely, apartments with small windows allow less light in, and they can feel dark and dreary. When studying an apartment, pay close attention to the lighting. Look outside to see if any buildings may obstruct natural lighting. The last thing you want is to experience buyer’s remorse after moving into a poorly lit apartment.

Cell Reception

Often, in some apartments, there are places where there is terrible cell coverage. When viewing apartments, check your cell signal from room to room to identify any areas with poor reception.

Final Word

Apartment hunting can be pretty time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be. Save time and get value for your money by considering the factors above during your house search.